Home of the Little Mustangs!

Home of the Little Mustangs!


Monday, January 27, 2014

Update on school closing

Dr.Langham has decided to close school all day Tuesday and Wednesday because of inclement weather. We will not report back to school until Thursday.

Inclement weather - school closing and early release

Due to the inclement weather expected in our area on Tuesday and Wednesday the following school closing plan will occur:

Tuesday, January 28th school will be released at 11:00.
Wednesday, January 29th school will be closed all day.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Registration for new students for the 2014-2015 school year will begin on April 1st.  We will also accept Teacher Requests April 1st - April 30th.  Please see our website for all of the details. www.mycoosada.com

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Happy New Year

Welcome back to second semester!  We have already had a super first semester and we look forward to working with the children towards our goals that we plan to reach by May!  We have DIBELS testing the next two weeks.  Please encourage your child to do his or her best on the DIBELS test.  It is not for a grade, but just is an indicator to show us growth for each child from August until now!  We expect to see results that show growth in each child.  We will test again in April to see an end of the year growth score.  We will send results home to parents so you can also see the growth throughout the school year.   Report Cards will be sent home on Tuesday, January 14th.  Please see the Google Calendar for all upcoming dates and events.

Monday, January 6, 2014

The decision has been made. Elmore County Public Schools will be closed on Tuesday, January 7th. We will have a delayed start to school on Wednesday, January 8th. The children should arrive to school at 10:00 AM. School bus riders adjust pick up schedule by 2 hours. If you are normally picked up at 6:30 AM you should be ready to load your bus at 8:30 AM. The tardy bell will ring at 10:00 AM